Love is Stronger Helps Youth and Families Navigate Traumatic Obstacles
Photo from Love is Stronger’s Facebook account.
Love is Stronger Executive Director Lionel Irving shows up for his community, setting an important example to Portland area youth. “Positive Influence” is not just a phrase at Love is Stronger—it is a job title. Literally. Lionel, Positive Influencer Roy Bunn, and Youth Program Director Paul Lindsey all have experienced the trauma of gun violence and gang involvement, and they’re now dedicated to mentoring youth.
Lionel and Alex Clay created Love is Stronger to make the most of a second chance, not just for the founders but also for the community they grew up with and love. They envision a Portland where underserved youth will never feel drawn toward senseless acts of violence or cycles of antisocial behaviors. Instead, as a result of the work of Love is Stronger, youth will feel the power and promise of a community built on opportunity, accountability, and love.
Love is Stronger provides guidance and support, helping youth and families navigate the traumatic obstacles that often accompany urban life. They do this through two programs: Gang Veteran Positive Influencer Program™ and a Youth Gun Violence Intervention Program.
Gang Veteran Positive Influencer Program includes:
Gun violence reduction think tank where active and reformed gang members can gather to discuss shared trauma and experiences for the purpose of healing and self-reflection
Economic resiliency training that teaches financial planning, how to build credit and invest
Mediation and intervention techniques training, including the Active Bystander model, conflict resolution skills training, and Shots Not Fired™
Youth Gun Violence Intervention Program provides:
High school safe space parties in identified community hot zones
Financial autonomy education, including credit building and social/emotional conditions on the subject of finances
Proclamation workshops that teach confidence and public speaking
A review of civic virtues, including environmental sustainability, community engagement and education in active bystander training to prevent gun violence safely
Love is Stronger just graduated some of their longest involved participants, including a group of friends—according to Lionel, “five young kings who were struggling with grades and social behavior.” Four of them are now pursuing careers as firefighters and/or EMTs. Another participant is going to Xavier University.
After recently attending one of Love is Stronger’s intergroup gatherings, it’s clear that Lionel’s intention is to build the biggest tent possible to look after the youth of the Portland area and keep the streets free of violence. Individuals from the neighborhood, as well as from Portland’s Interfaith Action Group, Portland Police, the Rotary Club of Portland, Moms Demand Action and more were in attendance to connect with community. Over tacos and chips, people from all walks of life discussed the work they were engaged in and shared their dreams for Portland.
JREP funding is allowing Love is Stronger to hire additional staff, increasing their efforts and impact across the region. The above is only a portion of their work. They also host bullet-free weekend events, support incarcerated folks pre and post-release and ensure their “Positive Influencers” are on-hand for when crisis hits to listen and help the community respond in a safe way. It’s clear Lionel and Love is Stronger are filling a critical need.
Thank you, Love is Stronger, for showing up for Portland area youth and for being a part of the JREP cohort!