Q&A with Jennifer Matsumura, Our New Accountant

A big welcome to our new accountant, Jennifer Matsumura (she/her)! Read on to learn more about Jennifer, her communities, and what drives her to work in philanthropy.

Jennifer sits on top of a large statue of a turtle. She's smiling and wearing a baseball cap, hiking sandals, a blue floral t-shirt, black capri pants, and a backpack.

What communities do you consider yourself a part of, and what does community mean to you personally?

I'm a part of the Asian American community. My heritage is Japanese, Chinese and Korean. I also feel connected to the Hawaiian community since my parents are from Hawaii and my extended family is there. I've been a part of the Portland area arts community for many years through my work at the Regional Arts & Culture Council, and I am also part of the food allergy community. One of my family members has a severe food allergy and it is a life-changing condition. There is so much work to do to increase awareness, education and research about food allergies!

Communities are the people to whom I feel most connected and with whom I identify. Communities provide a sense of belonging and groundedness, helping me understand where I come from, who I am, that I matter as an individual and as part of a collective, and that I have agency.

What excites you about your new role at NWHF? Is there a particular program you are interested in learning more about?

I'm excited to bring my accounting and HR/benefits experience to the accountant role, and to help tell the financial story of the impact that NWHF programs have in our community. I'm interested in learning more about all of NWHF's programs!

What drives you to work in the field of philanthropy?

I believe that financial resources leveraged and directed strategically can help move the needle on important social issues. Strategic funding coupled with policy changes is even more effective, and it is something that I admire about NWHF’s approach to philanthropy. There is so much that is broken in our communities, it's inspiring for me to be a part of a team and organization that is working to improve lives and make a positive difference through inclusive, thoughtful, strategic funding and programs.

What is something you love in your community, and what is something you’d like to see change?

I love that there are many people in Portland who cherish this place and who want to be a part of positive change. I would like to see more connection and civil dialogue on common goals and less polarization, and I'd like to see holistic, humane solutions to address housing insecurity in the area.

How have you been practicing self-care recently?

Tai chi, baking and spending time with my family’s pets are the ways I am currently practicing self-care. Tai chi helps me remember the importance of breathing and movement, baking is a relaxing way to try something new and have a tasty outcome to share with others, and our pets (mini Aussie-doodle pooch and Siamese cat) are my constant companions, rain or shine.

What brings you joy?

Creative movement, learning new things, engaging storytelling, and spending quality time with friends and family.


Bon voyage to our accountant of 10 years, Katie Kordash


Community dinners are back!